Monday, October 11, 2010

The Thai-light Reel

We've been in the lovely, cultural, jaw dropping beauty of Thailand for a couple weeks now. We've had a pretty swell time so far, lollygagging around and taking it all in. The islands are where we've spent the majority of our time so far here, and we have no complaints. In fact, we are debating about extending our visa in order to spend a couple more sweet weeks on the sand before heading north to Bangkok and beyond.

Just a few of the highlights so far:

1. Buckets. Anyone who has been to Thailand knows what these beauties are. Just take a small bottle of whiskey, add Sprite & Red Bull, 2 straws, and drink up! (The best way to do it is find bars who have specials or free buckets at certain intervals and bar hop to hit up each one at their designated time in order to get the most free booze possible.)

2. Thai food. Masuman curry, you are my new favorite thing (Google it, people). Sweet & sour chicken, always a front runner. Banana pancakes, the thing keeping me from losing weight on this damn trip.

3. Beaches. The shores I've seen only in movies prior to coming to Thailand. Crystal clear waters, sand that is so soft and spongy under your toes you just can't wait to take your shoes off & frolic in it, and lush jungle as the backdrop. Not too shabby.

4. Street vendors. They sell everything from deep fried spring rolls that melt in your mouth to handmade leather bags (I may or may not have bought myself one) to $1 beaded bracelets and everything in between. I've been collecting bracelets now for the past few weeks and have 4! My hope is to keep all of them on my left wrist until at least Christmas. 

5. 300 baht rooms. $10. We love spending $5 each on accommodation- especially when wi- fi, soap, and fresh towels are included.

6. Misspelled words on signs, awkward signs, and funny signs. They're everywhere. It seems like a child drew half of the storefronts entry signs. Examples: "Callect calls." "We have coffee and American breakfarts". Not to mention EVERY restaurant sign proudly declares they serve: "Thai Food, Italian Food, Swedish Food, Western Food, American Food, and Dog Food." (Just kidding about the dog food....I hope.)


  1. Loved the "dog food" lol! I saw you guys drinking out of buckets and wondered what they were..sounds like quite a mix!

  2. Buckets sound yummyy!! And so do banana're living large in SE Asia. :) Miss you so much!! I went to Jack Johnson concert on Saturday and wished you and Ross were there with me!! And yes..he sang Banana Pancakes. :)

  3. Your pictures are postcard perfect. What type of new camera did you get? This is still all amazing to me that you both are travelling day to day. I envy your courage, desires,and love your writings.

    Smiles oxoxoxo

  4. hi linds and ross. you guys sound like you are having a great time. the beaches look perfect and i thought hawaii and san diego had the best beaches. i think this trip is a wonderful fun learning experience for you. glad you were brave enough to do this. i am still keeping you in my prayers and for Jesus to keep you safe. hope we will see you at christmas. love and hugs nana & poopa

  5. Hey Linds & Ross,

    Andrew and I wanted you to know that we made banana pancakes today. Probably American style compared to what you have been enjoying. But they sure were good and yummy.

    Smiles, oxoxox
    Andrew and me
